You may use any built-in Logisim component to build your CPU! You don’t have to build the ALU out of 500 gates or the registers out of flip flops. Explore the stuff in the component pane… many, many things are done for you!
Just don’t use any circuits someone else made, because that’s cheating, duh.
Here are the main parts of the CPU, ordered vaguely by increasing difficulty:
The display unit
On your main circuit, place four Input/Output > Hex Digit Display components next to each other. If you change the colors, please make sure it’s easy to read!
Now, to control those, make a display unit component like this:
1-bit Clock 1/8
(that means this is a sequential circuit – it’ll have a register inside!)
1-bit Write Enable
16-bit Data
4 x 4-bit Digit values
do not put the digit displays inside this component!
It holds a 16-bit value in a register
It outputs that stored 16-bit value, split into groups of 4 bits If Write Enable = 0 , the register should not change.
If Write Enable = 1 , the register should store the value of the Data input.
You can test this component without any other circuitry built. Plop down the display component, wire it up to the digits, and put some inputs next to it. Poke the inputs, clock it, see if it works.
2. The program ROM and data RAM
On your main circuit, place a Memory > ROM component with these settings:
Address Bit Width: 16
Data Bit Width: 20
That will give you 65,536 20-bit instructions.
The ROM is super simple to use: put address (value of PC register) into the left side, get instructions out the right side.
Then place a Memory > RAM component with these settings:
Address Bit Width: 16 2/8
Data Bit Width: 16
Data Interface: Separate load and store ports
That last option is important.
This will give you 65,536 words of RAM. This is a word-addressable machine – each memory address refers to 2 bytes of data.
The address and data to store go in the left side, the clock in the bottom (the triangle), and the data to load comes out the right side.
You can ignore the sel , ld , and clr inputs!
The str input is the memory’s write enable signal. Most instructions don’t write to the memory, so you’ll have to hook something up to it.
And that’s it for those… for now!
3. The ALU
The ALU is a combinational circuit. Remember, you’re allowed to use any of the built-in Logisim components – adders, subtractors, multipliers, shifters etc.
Make an ALU component like this:
16-bit A
16-bit B
3-bit Operation
There are 8 possible values this can take. It’s up to you which binary value means which operation, but write it down somewhere! You’ll need it later.
16-bit Result
The Result output depends on what Operation is chosen:
Add: A + B
Subtract A – B
NOT: ~B ( A is ignored)
Shift Left: A << B[3:0] (see below) 3/8
Shift Right: A >> B[3:0] (logical, not arithmetic)
the syntax B[3:0] means “bits 3, 2, 1, and 0 of B”. It’s commonly used in hardware design.
AND, OR, and NOT gates also have a “Data Bits” property.
Test it out thoroughly!!! It’s so easy to accidentally connect things to the wrong places. Make sure it does what you expect for every operation.
4. The register file
The register file is pretty straightforward. It will work just like the one we looked at in class, except it has 8 registers instead of 4. Feel free to use the example circuit as well. Details:
1 write port ( rd )
2 read ports ( rs and rt )
8 registers, 16 bits per register
but register 0 is not a register – just a constant 0
There is one complication: rd is only the destination register in R-type instructions. In I-type instructions, rt is used as the destination register index. So, you need to choose which to use based on whether the current instruction is I-type or not. That’s something the control unit can tell your register file.
Test it out thoroughly!!! Do this for every component you make, ok?
5. The return stack
This architecture does not store function return addresses in registers or in the data RAM. Instead, there is a small dedicated stack RAM just for return addresses.
It implements a 256-entry stack that grows upwards from address 0. So if you do 3 calls in a row, the return addresses will be at stack RAM addresses 0, 1, 2, and sp will be 3. Then, if you do 3 returns in a row, sp will be back to 0.
It is a small FSM that works like so: 4/8
1-bit is call (1 if this is a call instruction)
1-bit is ret (1 if this is a ret instruction)
the clock
16-bit PC input
16-bit return address
an 8-bit stack pointer register ( sp )
a RAM with an 8-bit address and 16-bit data (and “separate load and store ports” as before)
if the is call input is 1…
store PC + 1 into the stack RAM at the address given by sp
sp <- sp + 1
if the is ret input is 1…
load from the stack RAM at address sp – 1 and output the RAM data on return address
sp <- sp – 1
if neither is 1, do nothing.
(it’s not possible for both to be 1.)
6. The program counter control
Remember from class that the PC can move ahead by 1 instruction, or jump to other places, or conditionally branch. That’s what this component is for.
The PC is a register which holds the address of the current instruction. Since your instruction memory uses 16-bit addresses, what size should the PC be?
You could put your PC register inside or outside this component, it doesn’t really matter.
There are so many ways to implement this. Check out the control flow instruction list here to see what ways the PC can change (instructions that do PC <- … ). The basic behaviors should be something like this:
It needs a Halt input. If this input is 1, the PC is disabled (no longer changes).
There are 5 places it can go:
PC + 1 (by default, or for not-taken conditional branches)
PC + sxt(imm8) (for taken conditional branches) 5/8
REG[rs] (for jr )
imm16 (for j and call )
STK[sp – 1] (for ret )
There are also 6 kinds of conditional branches.
The PC control needs to know if we’re doing a conditional branch, and what kind it is…
…and depending on how you implement it, it could do the comparisons itself, or leave that to the ALU to do.
7. The Interconnect
The interconnect won’t really be a component of its own. It’ll be a collection of multiplexers and wires/tunnels that hook everything else together.
Now you can go on the main circuit, and plop down one of each of your components you made. To connect them together, you make the interconnect. Remember the “interconnect matrix” from the class slides? Think about that.
Treat the 2 ALU inputs as separate “destinations.”
Treat the memory address and data inputs as separate “destinations” too.
Use tunnels. Tunnels will let you name your wires and move the parts of your CPU around independently.
Copy and paste your tunnels.
one end PC and the other end
This will avoid naming mistakes (e.g. naming pc , which are different names).
Every time you put a MUX down, make a tunnel for its select signal and name it like “___Src”, e.g. “RegSrc” or “MemSrc” or “ALUSrcB”. You can also use the tunnel colors to make the control signals stand out (like coloring them blue). For example, here’s a tiny piece of mine:
I used red for registers, orange for the ALU, yellow for the immediates, and blue for control signals. 6/8
Testing it
What I like to do is find all the control signals (selects and write enables), make copies of all those tunnels, and gather them up in one place.
Then I can put inputs on them and “manually drive” the CPU. So I can e.g. load an immediate into a register by setting rd , turning on RegWrite , setting RegDataSrc to use the immediate, and then ticking the clock. Then I can set rs to the same register and make sure the same value is coming out.
Once you’re kinda sure your interconnect is working, you can remove the fake inputs and replace them with…
8. The control
Your control component is a combinational circuit whose input is the program ROM output (the current instruction) and its output is all the control signals for the entire CPU. It’s gonna be a complicated component.
It will also output the source/destination register indices and the immediate value extracted from the instruction.
There are three main stages to making the control:
Split up the instruction.
Use splitters to split the instruction into its fields.
Like on the slides, extract all possible fields from all possible formats. You only have to extract each field once. E.g. you don’t have to extract 2 copies of rs .
After splitting you should have:
a bit saying whether or not it’s J-type
the R-/I-type opcode (5 bits)
the J-type opcode (3 bits)
rs , rt , and rd (all 3 bits, and they just go right out of the control)
imm5 , imm8 , and imm16 (see the section below…)
Decode the opcode.
Since there are two kinds of opcodes, you will need 2 demuxes.
On the slides I used a decoder… but here you basically have 2 opcodes, and only 1 is valid.
What you want is for exactly one output of those two demuxes to be 1 at a time.
You never want both demuxes to output a 1. 7/8
Try to keep the opcodes and their decoded versions inside the control unit. Don’t send the opcodes all over the CPU and decode them elsewhere! That’ll make it way harder to find and fix problems. Just like in software: the more encapsulated things are, the easier they are to work with.
Come up with the control signals.
Again, like on the slides: after you’ve decoded the opcode, it’s just a matter of using OR gates and priority encoders.
Each multi-bit control signal will need a priority encoder, and they kind of “mirror” each other.
So if my ALUOp mux has – on input 1…
…then my ALUOp priority encoder’s input 1 will be all the instructions that subtract, ORed together.
Dealing with the immediates
You could output imm5 , imm8 , and imm16 directly from your control unit and let the other parts of the CPU handle them (by extending them appropriately). I found it useful to add a layer of abstraction. I have my control choose the right immediate and the right extension based on what instruction it is, and then output a single 16-bit immediate value that all the CPU components use. Again, this way the control is the only part of the CPU that has to know the instruction.
Assembled programs for you to load into your machine to test it.
Done? Bored? Try this.
© 2016-2018 Jarrett Billingsley 8/8