In this project, you will be making a small textual game that is a simplified version of the card game Blackjack.
This project will have you focus on the following skills:
The function calling convention we learned
Input and output
Translating high-level code (pseudocode) into low-level assembly
Conditionals and loops
Single-dimensional arrays
Description of the game
This is the overall description. For details on what your program should do specifically, see below.
Your program will play the role of the dealer.
Have an array of 52 cards.
Shuffle that array.
Deal two cards each to the player and dealer.
You only deal one card at a time. It should go player, dealer, player, dealer.
In a loop…
Show both players’ hands, including their total score.
Check the scores (see below).
It is possible for the game to end before the player takes a turn!
Let the player choose “hit” or “stand.”
If they “hit”:
deal the player one card.
5. Else, if the dealer’s score is >= 17:
see who’s closer to 21 (see below) and end the game.
6. Deal the dealer one card, if the dealer’s score is < 17.
Checking the score
After showing the players’ hands, you should check the score as follows: 1/8
9/23/2018 Project 1: Twenty-one
If the player’s score is == 21:
If the dealer’s score is == 21, it’s a tie game. The game ends.
Else, the player wins.
Else, if the player’s score is > 21, the player loses.
Else, if the dealer’s score is > 21, the player wins.
Else, nothing happens and the game continues as normal.
The order of the conditions above is kind of important. When I implemented it I messed it up at first and it was possible to win in strange cases.
Seeing who’s closer to 21
In this case, both the player and dealer stand, and the winner is determined by who is closer to 21.
If the player’s score and dealer’s score are equal, it’s a tie game.
Else, if the player’s score is > than the dealer’s score, the player wins.
Else, the player loses.
Some example games
Dealer’s hand: 10 4 = 14
Player’s hand: 1 4 = 5
What would you like to do? (0 = stand, 1 = hit): 1
Dealer’s hand: 10 4 6 = 20
Player’s hand: 1 4 11 = 16
What would you like to do? (0 = stand, 1 = hit): 1
Dealer’s hand: 10 4 6 = 20
Player’s hand: 1 4 11 3 = 19
What would you like to do? (0 = stand, 1 = hit): 1
Dealer’s hand: 10 4 6 = 20
Player’s hand: 1 4 11 3 1 = 20
What would you like to do? (0 = stand, 1 = hit): 0
You tied!
Dealer’s hand: 4 6
Player’s hand: 4 6
What would you like to
do? (0 = stand, 1 = hit): 1
Dealer’s hand: 4 6
= 20
Player’s hand: 4 6
= 15
What would you like to
do? (0 = stand, 1 = hit): 1 2/8
9/23/2018 Project 1: Twenty-one
Dealer’s hand: 4 6 10 = 20
Player’s hand: 4 6 5 9 = 24
You lost…
Dealer’s hand: 1 4 = 5
Player’s hand: 3 5 = 8
What would you like to do? (0 = stand, 1 = hit): 1
Dealer’s hand: 1 4 2 = 7
Player’s hand: 3 5 2 = 10
What would you like to do? (0 = stand, 1 = hit): 1
Dealer’s hand: 1 4 2 10 = 17
Player’s hand: 3 5 2 8 = 18
What would you like to do? (0 = stand, 1 = hit): 0
You won!
Implementation details
Approaching this code
Although this would be a very short program in a higher level language, it is many more lines in assembly. Managing complexity is a huge, huge part of writing in assembly.
DO NOT. TRY. TO WRITE. THE WHOLE PROGRAM. BEFORE TESTING IT. Test EVERY part AS YOU WRITE IT. Test your deck-shuffling function. Test your dealing-cards functions. Test everything in isolation. The easiest way to get overwhelmed and confused is by trying to write everything and finding out that nothing works.
jal should be your best friend. Start with main down. Do not put all the logic in main. Instead, start which you have not yet written. Here’s a sample main use this.
and work your way jal ing to functions function. Feel free to
.globl main
jal shuffle_deck
jal deal_card_to_player
jal deal_card_to_dealer
jal deal_card_to_player
jal deal_card_to_dealer 3/8
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jal show_hands
jal check_scores
jal take_turns
Keep splitting the program up like this. Eventually the functions you have to write will only be a few instructions long. That’s good!
Use comments to keep track of which registers mean what. The register names do not convey meaning, so you have to make notes to yourself. But usually registers only hold those values for a short time anyway, so you’ll have lots of comments.
The calling convention isn’t just a set of rules; it makes it easier to write a program. When you follow the calling convention, questions like “which registers do I use? how do I know what value is in what register?” become very simple:
After a jal , the a, v, t registers can contain anything.
So if you want a value to be in them, you have to put it in there yourself.
If you want to keep a value across a jal , you must put it in an s register.
In that case, you must push and pop that s register in the caller along with ra .
You can always reuse registers.
Honestly, I never use anything besides t0, t1, t2 . Their values usually only last a couple lines.
Write pseudocode for yourself in comments BEFORE writing assembly. For example, when writing shuffle_deck , you might start it off as this, then after each line of comments, write the assembly that corresponds to it:
push ra
for(i = 51; i >= 1; i–) {
other_slot = random(0, i + 1);
swap(deck[i], deck[other_slot]);
pop ra 4/8
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jr ra # ALWAYS put this so you don’t forget!
The deck and hands
You will need three arrays: one for the deck (the cards that have not yet been dealt), and one for each player’s hand. You will also need to keep track of how many cards have been dealt from the deck and how many cards are in each player’s hand.
The deck array should be initialized statically using .byte directives. It should have 52 cards. It will consist of 4 copies of this:
.byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11
The player and dealer hands are mathematically unable to be longer than 9 cards, but give yourself some room and add a few more slots just in case something goes wrong. (it will.)
Shuffling the deck
You will use the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm to shuffle the deck. It’s actually very simple, but translating it into assembly will take some trial and error. It works like so:
for(i = 51; i >= 1; i–) {
other_slot = random(0, i + 1);
swap(deck[i], deck[other_slot]);
Note the condition here! We are not going down to slot 0.
Since the deck is a byte array, address calculation is very simple. (B == 1.)
Generating a random number can be done with syscall 42.
Pass the constant 0 for a0 .
The upper bound a1 is exclusive; if you call it with a1 == 10 , you will get numbers in the range [0, 9] . That’s why the code above uses i + 1 as the upper bound.
Swapping values in the array can be done easily in assembly without a temporary variable:
load the values from both slots into 2 registers;
then store those 2 register values in the opposite slots.
Drawing cards 5/8
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When removing a card from the deck and placing it in a player’s hand, you don’t have to make it very complicated.
A simple solution is to keep track of the current position in the deck. That is, the first card that is drawn comes from deck[0] , then the next card drawn will be deck[1] , then deck[2] etc.
There is no need to “erase” the card from the deck. The “current position” in the deck is all the information you need to know; everything before the current position has already been drawn and copied into a player’s hand.
Showing the players’ hands
Only display as many cards are in the player’s hand (i.e. if the player has only been dealt 3 cards, do not show 10). Show the individual cards in the hand, and then at the end of the line, show the total value of those cards:
Player’s hand: 2 9 4 = 15
Dealer’s hand: 10 3 1 = 14
Asking the player to hit or stand
You can simply use numbers to ask the player to hit or stand. You used the syscall to read numbers in lab 2. For example:
What would you like to do? (0 = stand, 1 = hit):
Ending the game
Display a message to tell the player the outcome of the game (won, lost, or tied).
Then use syscall 10 to exit your program and end the game.
You will submit a ZIP file named where username is your Pitt username. For example, I would name mine .
See below if you have never made a ZIP file before. 6/8
9/23/2018 Project 1: Twenty-one
Do not put a folder in the zip file, just the files you are submitting. When the grader opens the zip file, they should see the following:
Your twentyone.asm file.
Put your name and username at the top of the file in comments.
Your name
Your Pitt username
Anything that does not work
Anything else you think might help the grader grade your project more easily
Submit here, just like you do with your labs.
Creating a ZIP file
In your file browser, select all the files you want to add to the ZIP file (the files listed above).
Right click on the files, and…
Windows: do Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder. Then you can name it.
macOS: do Compress n items. Then you can rename the file.
Linux: haha who knows
Grading Rubric
[16 points]: Submission and style
[6]: You submitted your program properly (follow the directions above).
This is all or nothing. Please, just follow the instructions.
[10]: Your code is split into functions, and the functions use the calling convention we learned. Don’t keep global variables in registers! Push/pop s registers and ra as needed!
[84 points]: The game
[24]: Game flow
[8] No crashes encountered during normal operation
[8] Main loop works and ends when proper conditions are met
[8] When game ends, message is displayed, and syscall 10 is used to exit
[24]: Card management 7/8
Project 1: Twenty-one |
[12] Deck is properly shuffled |
[8] |
Arrays are used to hold players’ hands |
[4] |
Dealing a card correctly moves that card to a player’s hand |
[24]: Scoring |
[8] |
Game tracks/calculates player scores (there are a couple |
solutions) |
[8] |
Scores are compared properly after hands are shown |
[8] |
“Closest to 21” is determined properly after both players |
[12]: Input and output
[4] Prompts and accepts input for user to hit/stand
[8] Displays players’ hands and scores
© 2016-2018 Jarrett Billingsley 8/8