– The goal of this project is to make you better understand the backpropagation.
– You will ask to implement the sigmoid function and the backpropagation for a multilayer perceptron with sigmoid activations.
Recommend Environment
– [Python3](
– [Numpy](
– [Matplotlib](
– Download MNIST dataset in this repository from [here](../data). Note that this has a different format as you used for the homework02, since we want to use the data loading functions in the code directly.
Assignment Description
1. Get the code
– The incomplete code for this project can be found [here](assignment/). The code is modified from an online tutorial.
– Read the code and make sure to understand what happened here.
2. Check the data
– Change `DATA_PATH` in [`experiment/`](assignment/experiment/ to be the path where you put the MNIST data, then run
python –input
If everything is correct, you will see the output shows 3,000 samples in training, 10,000 samples in validation and 10,000 samples in testing.
3. Implement the sigmoid function
– Complete the implementation of the sigmoid function and derivative of sigmoid in [`src/`](assignment/src/
– `sigmoid(z)` returns the value of sigmoid function and `sigmoid_prime(z)` returns the value of derivative of sigmoid.
– Test the sigmoid function
python –sigmoid
If everything is correct, you will see the plot like this:
<img src = ’01/figs/sigmoid.png’ height = ‘230px’>
4. Implement the backpropagation
– Follow the comments in [`src/`](assignment/src/ to complete the implementation of backpropagation.
– You do not have to exactly follow the comments. But make sure the function returns the correct format of data.
– To make things easier, you can use a very small network to test your implementation by modifying the input [here]( L56).
– Use gradient check ([ref1]( gradcheck), [ref2]( to check whether your implementation is correct or not. Here we provide a simple implementation of gradient check for one of the weights and you can try it through:
python –gradient
– You can check other weights by changing the values of `layer_id`, `unit_id` and `weight_id` from [here]( L57).
– The detailed usage can be found [here]( L205).
– Please refer [here]( gradcheck) for the interpretation of the result.
– Note this is only a very simple implementation of gradient check and it is only for weights. You can implement your own version of gradient check as well and please let me know if you find any issues or bugs of this implementation.
5. Train the network
– After finishing implementation of sigmoid function and backpropagation, you can train the network through:
python –train
You will see something like this:
<img src = ’01/figs/running.png’ height = ‘230px’>
– You can play with the hyperparameters (number of layers, number of hidden units, learning rate …) to get better results.
6. Record the learning curve and result on testing data
– Record the learning curve for both training set and validation set during training
– Test the trained model on testing set. There are implementations of [save]( L292) and [load]( L303) the model. You can utilize them for testing. But you may encounter some issues and have to fix them, since the original code is on Python2 and I did not test this part on Python3.
– Source code
– Report should includes (Use [this]( template):
<!– 1. Show derivation of <img src = ’01/figs/Project_1_grad_of_loss.PNG’ height = ’30px’>; –>
1. Show derivation of <img src=”\Large&space;\nabla_{a}%20L(\sigma(a))” />, where L is the binary cross entropy loss and <img src=”\Large&space;\sigma(a)” title=”sigma” /> is the sigmoid function as mentioned in the lecture on Jan. 30;
2. Final structure of the network and other hyperparameters;
3. learning curve (loss and accuracy) on both training and validation set;
4. accuracy on testing set.
– Put the source code, report and a `name.csv` file containing unityID of your group members in moodle as a zip folder named **`proj01`**.
<!– – Put all the files in one of the group member’s ASF space. Do not forget to include all the group members in `name.csv` or he or she may lose the grade. –>
– It should be easy to find the code online, but please try to do it by yourself.
Useful links:
– sgd