Skeleton Structure Objective:
All your pages and sites should start from the basic HTML5 Skeleton Structure. In this lab, you will build an html page using this structure and add some content using HTML tags. This basic page will include part of our course syllabus as content.
Using your text editor, create a new plain text file and save it with an “.html” extension. If your editor asks for encoding you want “UTF-8”. Name your file (index.html).
Start by adding the proper HTML5 Skeleton Structure to the document as we discussed in class.
Page title should be “ITMD-361 Internet Technologies and Web Design”. Use this in both the head section title tag and for the level 1 heading <h1> tag in the page content.
Add the content to the page using the attached “lab1.png” as a guide. The content is old and you should update the content to match this semester. Use “lab1.png” as a guide to what tags you should be using. I hope it’s obvious that the red text is to guide you and should not be included in the final page.
Your page, when viewed in your browser, should look similar to the lab1.png file. HTML text should flow with different sized browsers so text breaks might not be exactly the same.
Upload your finished HTML page to a fresh Github repository. Once you are active on Basecamp, there will be a place to turn in your labs. But your Github time stamp will prove you did the work on time.
This lab will be graded based on how well you follow the directions, how your HTML syntax looks, and if you used the requested tags. Syntax errors, missing tags, and deviations from the directions will result in deducted points. Due date is posted in the syllabus.