On this date in 1931, Alka Seltzer went on sale.
Which is probably a good thing as this assignment promises to be a
real and fun, but not real fun. It’s also the LAST assignment!
The purpose of this program is to modify HW8 such that it makes use
of the IPC facilities provided by UNIX. You must create the
following programs:
– Accepts two command line inputswhich will be the text file to read
and output file to write ( and in HW8).
– Creates 2 pipes, 2 semaphores, and 1 shared memory segment.
– Forks program1 and passes the input filename, write side of pipe1,
and semaphore1 to Program1.
– Forks program2 and passes read side of pipe1, write side of pipe2,
semaphore1, semaphore2, and the shared memory to Program2.
– Forks program3 and passes the output filename, read side of pipe2,
semaphore2, and the shared memory to Program3.
– Once program1, program2, and program3 have terminated, the master
must also terminate.
– Accepts command line inputs (1 filename, 1 pipe ID, and 1 semaphore key).
– Program1 will read the input text file called and extract the words. Note
that words will be separated only by spaces. Commas, periods, etc will be
considered part of a word. As each word is extracted, program1 will write
the words (1 word per line) into the pipe. Note that all punctuation marks
will remain attached to their words (only spaces separate words).
– Program1 and program2 must synchronize the pipe using a semaphore such
that only 1 word is in the pipe at a time.
– Once all of the words have been read and put into the pipe program1
terminates. Don’t forget to close the pipe!
– Accepts command line inputs (2 pipe IDs, 2semaphore keys, and 1 shared
memory key).
– Program 2 will read from the first pipe and convert each word into Pig Latin
– (rules shown below) and write the converted word into the second pipe.
Program2 will also keep track of how many words of each form (2 types possible)
were converted and write those values into the shared memory (you only need 1
shared memory segment to hold multiple values).
– Program1 and program2 must synchronize the pipe using a semaphore such that
only 1 word is in the pipe at a time.
– Program2 and program3 must also synchronize the pipe using a semaphore such
that only 1 word is in the pipe at a time.
– Once all of the words have been read and put into the pipe program2 terminates.
Don’t forget to close the pipe and release the first semaphore!
– Accepts command line inputs (1 pipe ID, 1 semaphore key, 1 shared memory key,
and output filename).
– Program 3 will read from the second pipe, reconstruct the original document
– (multiple words per line) and write it out to the output file.
– Program2 and program3 must also synchronize the pipe using a semaphore such
that only 1 word is in the pipe at a time.
– Once all of the words have been read and put into the output file, program2
must access the shared memory and display the values contained on the screen
using the format:
Type 1: word_count
Type 2: word_count
– Once all of the words have been read program3 terminates. Don’t forget to
close the pipe and release the second semaphore!
Pig Latin rules:
1) Type 1: For all words beginning with a vowel add the text “ray” to the end of
the word. For example: “and” becomes “andray,” “end” becomes “endray”, etc.
Note that any punctuation marks must remain at the end of the newly formed word.
2) Type 2: For all words beginning with consonants move the first letter to the
end of the word and add “ay”. For example, “number” becomes “umbernay,” “letter”
becomes “etterlay,” etc. Note that any punctuation marks must remain at the end
of the newly formed word.
1. Your program must run on Linux Mint in Leonard 110 or 112.
2. Your full name must appear as a comment at the beginning of your program.
3. Your 4 source files must be named master.c (cpp), program1.c (cpp),
program2.c (cpp), and program3.c (cpp). These files must be tarballed in
a file called hw10-yourname.tar.