Please carefully read the following guidelines on how to complete and submit your solutions.
The homework is due on Friday, October 4, 2019, at 11:59pm. Late submissions are accepted subject to the policy speci ed in the course syllabus. Starting early always helps!
Solutions are accepted only via Canvas, where all relevant les should be submitted as a single
.zip archive. This should include your typed answers as a .pdf le and the source code of any programming possibly used in your solutions.
Unless otherwise speci ed, for any assignment involving programming you may use any pro-gramming language of your choice. If asked, you should be able to explain details in your source code (e.g., related to the design of your program and its implementation).
You are bound by the Stevens Honor System. Collaboration is not allowed for this homework. You may use any sources related to course materials, but information from external sources must be properly cited. Your submission acknowledges that you have abided by this policy.
This assignment provides a 10% extra credit opportunity.
Problem 1: Remind me, what is your name? |
(10%) |
If I have a chance to get to learn your name, I need to remind myself outside class. Take a fresh picture of your smiling face and handin it in .jpeg format.
Problem 2: Shared or forgotten keys? |
(20%) |
Long ago, Alice and Bob shared an n-bit secret key but now they are no longer sure they still possess the same key. To verify that the key ka currently held by Alice is the same as the key kb currently held by Bob, they need to communicate over an insecure channel.
Which two basic security properties should be considered in the design of a secure protocol for solving the above problem and why these properties become relevant in this setting?
Hint: Consider two cases: Attacker Eve who only eavesdrops on the channel and attacker Mallory who can do more than eavesdropping.
Suppose that Alice and Bob use the following protocol to check if they store the same secret.
Alice generates a random n-bit value r.
Alice computes x = ka r, and sends x to Bob.
Bob computes y = kb x and sends y to Alice.
Alice compares r and y. If r = y , she concludes that ka = kb|that is, Alice and Bob share a secret key.
Does the above protocol satisfy the two security properties identi ed in question (1)?
Problem 3: Perfect or imperfect ciphers? |
(30%) |
Assume that an attacker knows that a user’s password is either p1 = abcd or p2 = bedg. Say the user encrypts his password using the Vigenere cipher, and the attacker sees the resulting ciphertext c. Show how the attacker can determine the user’s password, or explain why this is not possible, when the period t used by cipher is 1, 2, 3, or 4 respectively.
Show that the mono-alphabetic substitution cipher is trivial to break when the attacker launches a chosen-plaintext attack. How much chosen plaintext is needed to recover the entire secret key? What is the shortest chosen single-message plaintext that you can nd, which is a valid English message and would successfully recover the key? Finally, under which conditions, and why, is the mono-alphabetic substitution cipher perfectly secure (against a ciphertext-only attacker)?
Problem 4: Crypt-analyze this! |
(50%) |
I just discovered that two of my TAs, Alice and Bob, have been secretly communicating with each other in our common group chat that we use for course matters. I often see unintelligible short texts on my screen to which I didn’t pay attention, but now I suspect they plan behind my back. I am pretty sure they make use of one-time pad encryption with the following parameters: The message space consists of English messages which are 33 characters long, where only letters (of either case) and spaces are used. To ease key management, they change their shared key only every midnight. Please help me break their code!
Below are eleven ciphertexts (in hex format) that they exchanged just minutes before our class this week, i.e, on September 24, 2019 (in this order).
2d0a0612061b0944000d161f0c1746430c0f0952181b004c1311080b4e07494852 200a054626550d051a48170e041d011a001b470204061309020005164e15484f44 3818101500180b441b06004b11104c064f1e0616411d064c161b1b04071d460101 200e0c4618104e071506450604124443091b09520e125522081f061c4e1d4e5601 304f1d091f104e0a1b48161f101d440d1b4e04130f5407090010491b061a520101 2d0714124f020111180c450900595016061a02520419170d1306081c1d1a4f4601
Write down the 11 plaintext messages that were exchanged. You may write a program that will help you with your cryptanalysis. In designing your program, remember that most likely spaces will be among the most frequent characters in the plaintexts, and carefully observe what their role may be in the mapping from plaintexts to ciphertexts. Explain what your cryptanalysis strategy is and what algorithm your program implements.
Rather than randomly generating (and securely exchanging) a new key every midnight, the TAs created an algorithm to automatically generate the new key pseudorandomly using the current (i.e., previous day’s) key as input. That is, they replace the current key ki with the new key ki+1 = SHA256(ki)k00100001, where k denotes concatenation. What is the key the TAs will be using in two weeks’ time from the time I intercepted the above ciphertexts, i.e., during our class on October 1, 2019?