Create a UML diagram for the items in the users package in the LibraryUML application.
Develop skills in creating UML diagrams and analyzing the structure of object-oriented code.
Included with this challenge is a zip file of the LibraryUML application ( In the LibraryUML application is a package called users. Create a UML diagram of the items in users which includes the following classes and interfaces:,,,,,,,,, and
- is NOT in the users package and is not to be included in the UML diagram.
The UML diagram is to be created with this tool:
NOTE: This tool is going to ask you “Save Diagrams To” at the very beginning. It is important you do not save this to Google Drive, OneDrive, or any other online server.
It is import you select “Remember this setting” and then click “Decide Later” at the bottom otherwise you will have problems for the midterm exam!!
NOTE: While working through your UML project, you can save your UML to the local machine by clicking “File” -> “Save As” -> “Device” in order to save the “.drawio” file to your local machine as a backup as you are working.
At the top of the diagram put your: name, pawprint, and date
You should NOT use a different tool and the UML diagram MAY NOT be hand drawn with pencil/pen and paper.
You are to submit the link to the output file after you select “Publish” with the default values selected from the “File” menu item.
NOTE: If you link is pointing to a Google Drive, OneDrive, or any other cloud service the TAs will not be able to view your assignment and you will receive a zero. Stop by Professor Wergeles office hours if you see this in your link.
You are to use the following naming scheme if any files are submitted, which you will have for your screenshots: <Pawprint>UserstoreUMLS21<extension>
The Pawprint is to begin with a capital letter and the remaining letters are to be lower case. The extension is to match the format of the file being submitted. If the Pawprint is Abcxyz9 and the image file format is a png, then the file name is to be Abcxyz9UserstoreUMLS21.png o You can put numbers to differentiate between screenshots like
Abcxyz9UserstoreUMLS21-1.png or Abcxyz9UserstoreUMLS21-2.png, etc.
You are to follow the UML specification information provided in Performance Support section for this challenge on Canvas. In that section you will find the UML.pdf. I created that summarizes the rules. You can also use the “All the UML you need to know” By Paul Gestwicki link provided.
Note that a slightly modified version of UML.pdf will be provided to you for the midterm and final exams so you should use it to become familiar with the format of the document and the
information it contains, although do not rely on it too heavily otherwise it may slow you down on the exam and you may not be able to finish, so try to remember as much as possible.
« and » are to be used where necessary. Use the « and » characters and not two greater than or less than signs which look like this << or >>.
When you are finished drawing your UML diagram from, make sure everything is done correctly and then click “File” -> “Publish” -> “Link” and export the UML as a link and submit the Link for the challenge on Canvas.
NOTE: More instructions on how to submit the link will be discussed in class. This procedure needs to be followed exactly. If one parameter is messed up on this process, we will not be able to grade your UML and you will receive a 0 on the assignment. If you are not sure what you are doing, stop by office hours so you get this challenge submitted properly. The submission procedure will be the same on the midterm/final exam, so it is important you know what you are doing and following the directions perfectly.
Things to submit on Canvas:
The UML “Published” link with default values after you publish your UML from
Submit screenshots of your UML diagram in the browser after finished with the system clock. The system clock must contain the date and time to be valid. The more screenshots the better.